Airborne DayZ utilizes DNAkeycards to give access to various colored vaults. The
color of the vault corresponds with the quality of the loot. The quality of the loot is shown here, from worst to best: Purple -> Red -> Blue -> Green -> Yellow -> Orange (Rarest).
Crafting the Bench:
To build the workbench, you need to craft the kit with a metal wire and 4 sticks (sharp or short). Then you need to acquire the solder kit and helping hands kit and place them in the workbench kit before you can place the hologram. Once the hologram is placed, you need to insert a metal wire, 16 bolts, 5 metal sheets, 13 planks, laptop, and a card reader. From there you can take a hammer into your hands and assemble the workbench in place.
Using the Bench:
You need a 40v battery to use any of the bench's features. (you get 15 uses per battery) You can clip an error card to the helping hands, then on the soldering iron you can remove the chip. Once chip is removed, you need to open the drawer of the workbench (upper left side) to access it's inventory. Place solder, flux, and your desire tier chip in the slots. Close drawer. You can now solder the new chip by interacting with the soldering iron once again. (Solder and flux have 5 uses each) Now you can remove the card from the helping hands and place it in the reader. This requires no further ingredients, program the card via laptop, then remove and activate.
Keycard Trader:
You can access the keycard trader buy traveling to VMC, Stary Mil or Survivor's Last Stand and using the warp door to the bunker . Once in the bunker, you will have to fight dangerous AI down to the bottom level of the bunker where you will find the trader. From here, you can purchase "Blister Pack" that allow you to program a keycard with the corresponding color of Blister Pack.

Programming A Keycard:
Put the blister pack in your hands and open it to get the chip
Open the drawer on the left side of the bench and make sure you have a 40v battery, flux and solder placed in the slots
Place the chip in the chip slot of the drawer and close the drawer
Place a white/used keycard on the Helping Hands Kit in the center of the bench (you will see a little stand for it to be placed on)
Look to the right of the bench and there will a DNA Solder Kit and a prompt that says remove old chip
Repeat step 5, but this time you will be adding a the new chip to the keycard
Pick up the keycard in the center of the bench on the Helping Hands Kit and place it in the DNA Card Reader next to the laptop
Use the DNA Laptop to program the keycard
Remove the keycard from the DNA Card Reader and you are finished!